KING BUSTER 400 St. Augustine 2012

St. Augustine Municipal Marina111-E Avenida Menendez,St. Augustine, FL 32084
Tournament dates June 14th to 17th, 2012.
New Kid’s Dock Tournament!
presented by
Southern Propane
Sat June 16, 9-11am
limited to the first 150 kids registered, for a $10 entry fee each kid receives a backpack full of fishing gear and a life vest.
Schedule of events will be:
Thursday, June 14, 2012
5-7PM Junior Angler Registration and Junior Angler Bag Pick-up
7:30PM – Junior Angler Captain’s Meeting
Friday, June 15, 2012
6:30AM -7:30AM – Junior Angler Checkout- St. Augustine
12-3PM – Junior Angler Weigh-in
3-7PM – General Tournament Registration
and Captain’s Bag Pick-up
8PM – General Tournament Captain’s Meeting
12-9PM – Kick-off party with music
Saturday, June 16, 2012
6:30 -7:30AM – General Tournament Checkout St. Augustine and Mayport
9-11AM Kid’s Dock Tournament – limited to the first 150 kids registered
3-6PM – General Tournament Check-in (To weigh fish, you must check in at St. Augustine)
3-6PM – Weigh-in St. Augustine only
Sunday, June 17, 2012
1-6PM – Awards Party with music
3:00PM – Weigh in drawing followed by the presentation of the junior tournament awards and prizes then the general tournament awards and prizes.
See more info on Website: