New Year 2013
New Year’s Eve is a time for celebrating with friends and family while saying goodbye to 2012 and ushering in 2013.
New Year’s Eve or Old Year’s Night is observed on December 31, the final day of the Gregorian year, the day before New Year’s Day. New Year’s Eve is a separate observance from the observance of New Year’s Day.
New Year’s Eve is celebrated universally December 31 according to the year numbering of the CE (Common Era), or AD (Anno Domini) convention, even in non-Christian nations. Traditional and religious celebrations for e.g. the Muslim and Jewish new year, which occur on different dates, are still celebrated separately in the cultures that observe them, on the appropriate dates each year.
In modern practice, fireworks, music, alcoholic beverages and other forms of noise making is part of the New Year’s Eve celebration. New Year’s Eve is celebrated with parties and social gatherings spanning the transition of the year at midnight.
New Year celebrations are done globally and each country prides in observing the traditions of their culture. Some people feel New Year brings good luck and some pray for prosperity. Here is the New Year traditions around the World for you to explore the different customs practiced worldwide.
Let St. Augustine inspire your New Year’s Eve celebration.